There may be many wonderful traits you acquire from your family, but when your legacy includes a weak chin or poorly defined cheekbones, you may not be so happy with your inheritance. These flaws can cause insecurity and anxiety, and can greatly distract from one’s more appealing features.
Implants can restore balance and harmony to the facial structure, establishing a stronger profile or rectifying an overly round countenance. It is common for facial implants to be placed during a rhinoplasty or facelift in order to enhance the results of these produces and thus obtain a more pleasing outcome. After implant surgery, friends and family members may remark that you look more attractive and youthful, although they often cannot pinpoint why.
Choosing the Right Surgeon
Facial implant surgery requires not only tremendous skill and specialized expertise, but also the carefully studied eye of an artist who knows how to holistically complement the patient’s unique anatomy. Even though we represent one of the largest integrated cosmetic teams in the country, every board-certified PPSD plastic surgeon is dedicated to offering the kind of direct, personalized attention found at a niche boutique practice.
During your initial consultation, your doctor will help determine the best shape and size of silicone implant to achieve the results you desire. Before and after photos are especially helpful during this stage. Additionally, your doctor will gather information about your medical history, allergies to medications, and any previous surgeries.
We see patients in Charlotte, Gastonia, Shelby, Denver, Huntersville and Hickory, and other surrounding cities, and offer services in a variety of languages. Remember that no question or concern is too trivial for our doctors, so do not hesitate to be completely honest and open during your consultation.
Understanding the Implant Procedure
Surgery is performed under general anesthesia or twilight sedation in the comfort of our AAAASF-certified outpatient facilities. Facial implant surgery typically takes from 1 to 3 hours, depending on whether or not the patient is undergoing additional procedures simultaneously.
Chin Implants
An incision is made either below the chin, or inside the mouth along the lower gum line. Rest assured that whenever possible, your surgeon will choose the least invasive method possible that supports your best results. After a pocket is formed, the implant is slipped into place and carefully adjusted on top of the jawbone. The incision is then closed with sutures and covered with a healing antibiotic ointment.
Cheek Implants
If cheek implants are being placed in conjunction with a facelift or blepharoplasty, the doctor may use the same incisions for both procedures, if possible, reducing discomfort and downtime. Otherwise, the implants will require incisions inside the mouth or below the eyes. A snug pocket is then fashioned to cradle the implant. Once the surgery is complete, the doctor will close the wounds with sutures and apply the necessary dressing to minimize swelling.
What Can I Expect from Facial Implant Recovery?
Most PPSD implant patients find they can easily manage any pain or discomfort with medications prescribed by the doctor upon discharge. Swelling, bruising and soreness are no cause for alarm and will abate within a week or two.
In general, it’s best to avoid vigorous exercise or any activity in which you may inadvertently bump or damage the treatment sites for at least 10-14 days. If you received chin surgery, you may encounter some temporary discomfort smiling or laughing. Your doctor will likely recommend a liquid diet, as chewing can irritate your healing jaw muscles. Rest assured a full aftercare plan will be provided, including instructions for proper oral hygiene and care during recovery. Note that while you will be able to view your wonderful results right away, an accurate evaluation of your transformation is best assessed after approximately six weeks when all swelling has subsided.
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